Why I Am Strict With My Time & Energy
How I choose to prioritize myself when it comes to my time and energy.
Over the years, I have noticed the fluctuation in myself and in my relationships depending on my mental health. I have found that when I am doing well, my relationships flourish, but when I am struggling with myself, my relationships tend to decline in fulfillment and overall are not secure. I understand that when I am not doing well with myself, I cannot be a good friend to others, but know that I am still deserving of real, nourishing connections.
Why be strict with your time?
Throughout my spiritual journey, I have realized just how fast time goes by. I have noticed that I find myself often wishing I had more time for myself or more time to do other things that make me happy. I have also noticed that I regret some things after they happen, things that I originally didn't feel the need to do, but did for fear of missing out, or just to say I have done it, even though it wasn't in my best interest.
You are under no obligation to anyone but yourself. You are obligated to take care of yourself and do the things that fulfill you, make you curious, make you excited, make you feel alive. Simply, you are obligated to yourself, therefore, nothing should come in between you and the most valuable thing you have been given: time.
You should not be spending your time here being generous with your time on things that do not matter, do not fulfill you, or do not add to your life. For me, I have so many goals its hard to keep track of... But what always keeps me strict is the overall idea of who I wish to be and continually trying to show up as her. I try to never belittle myself or choose to do something that doesn't line up with my goals. And why would you?
Everything you should be doing in your life should be adding to it in some way, shape, or form. By strict, I mean that you should be checking in with yourself first and making sure that the decisions you make, the things you do with your time, are really going to be what you look back on and have no sense of regret.
Why be strict with your energy?
Scientifically, everything in the Universe is made up of energy. Spiritually, that energy can be either negative, neutral, or positive. Along with that comes frequencies. Frequencies are the rate of vibration over a period of time and are adjusted based on energy. The more positive energy, the higher level the frequency is, and vice versa. When we are energetically at a higher frequency, we will bring in higher energy emotions and experiences (love, peace, joy) and when we are vibrating at a lower frequency, we receive lower energy emotions (fear, anger, suffering).
Have you ever walked into a room and automatically been able to tell the "energy" of the room, whether that is grief, joy, discomfort, etc? By understanding that you can feel that as a whole, you should be able to tell when talking to someone how they are feeling energetically as well (what motivates them, their intention, etc). I find that when I spend time with people that I automatically feel "off" about or can tell that their energy is not the purest, my energy will drop and my frequency will lower.
Another example: have you ever spent time with people and left feeling like you're on a high? Or been just so extremely happy in the moment and felt fully "alive"... Those people are high energy people. They leave you feeling fulfilled and good. They are people you should spend time with because you know that no matter what, you will be surrounding yourself with good energy. It's the same when it comes to having a discussion with a friend and they are struggling. They are talking about how their "life sucks", and you can almost feel this darker energy engulfing you. Although important for you to be there for them, you are allowed to not have the energetic space to talk about something such as that, because of its effect on you.
By choosing to be strict with your energy, it is helping you stay in a mindset of good energy, and allows you to vibrate at a higher vibration. (Higher vibrations allow for more fulfilling connections to yourself, others, and allows you to attract more from the Universe!) When I was extremely depressed, I didn't understand that nothing was changing because I was not working on healing my energy or frequency. I wasn't nourishing myself or my connections because I couldn't, and instead lost lots of people because I was incapable of pursuing healthy relationships. I was that person that would talk about how much my life sucked, instead of viewing my life as a life filled with abundance (Time = abundance).
"Everything you should be doing in your life should be adding to it in some way, shape, or form." McKenzy Moore
Why would you not want to be strict with your time? When I choose to do what my soul really wants me to choose, I find that although I may be missing out on an external experience, I am gaining so much more internally. We, as human beings, are so disconnected from ourselves that we feel worse when we miss out on an opportunity that was half-fulfilling, rather than spending that time bettering ourselves and bettering our time on this Earth. I understand that my time here should be spent doing exactly what I want to be doing, and understand exactly where my priorities lie. Why would I go out and miss out on sleep and choose to feel sick the next day, rather than going to sleep early, waking up early, journaling, exercising, and getting my full amount of rest.
I am strict with my time and where my energy lies because I wish to always be in a peaceful state. I wish to never fall into the space I was for so many years and wish to only continue to better myself. I understand that to become the person I wish to become, that means lots of sacrifices for the normal experience of women my age and understand that I am truly the "odd ball out", but would much rather be that than be a watered down version of myself trying to adjust my needs to agree with everyone else's. I hope to continually choose myself and my time, prioritizing what needs to be prioritized in order to gain the most understanding and enlightenment out of life.
Life when choosing yourself
When you ultimately decide to CHOOSE YOURSELF everyday, life becomes much more fulfilling. You become a new person, and you understand what it means to want to be selfish with your time and where you allow your energy to go. I stopped responding to those that didn't deserve a response, I let go of the need to fit in, I allowed myself to make time for myself everyday, I finally said no to the cycle I was in of severe mental health issues, I finally worked so hard that I reached a level of peace that many never reach. I work on myself, I create goals for myself, I surround myself with exactly who fits in with my soul, I love those that speak my soul language, and don't leave much room for those who do not. I build connections everyday that are fulfilling and work on creating a better me... Why would anyone not want to better themselves and feel more fulfilled?
I have also realized that many of those that are struggling are those that do not practice balance, that do not choose themselves, that do not make time for themselves, that do not conserve their energy. I have realized by talking to them that they are stuck in the same cycle and understand now that they will never break free from that until they understand that this life was gifted to them and them only, as it is the same for you & me.
Being strict with your time looks like so many different things. Here are ways to practice:
Learn to say NO - if you don't want to do something, you are ALLOWED to say no (& guess what! you don't need to come up with an excuse or anything!! you are allowed to just say no and keep it at that)
You don't need to have an answer to do something immediately - take time to decide and adjust based on what your gut is telling you
Get your emotional to-do's done first, then allow for external to-do's
Make yourself your number one priority
Listen to your gut!! Your body will always be the first one to tell you how you feel about something - if you have an off-feeling about something or someone, skip and avoid!
You do not owe anyone ANYTHING
You are deserving of your time and energy. Those are some of the most beautiful gifts we have been given, so be strict with them! Only go where your energy feels welcomed and at peace, only make time for those people & things that are worthy of your time. You deserve to live a fulfilling life, so create that for yourself.